10th July 2010

New Look Website!

If you've been following Workshop Notes you'll know that I've been updating the www.robives.com website. I'm delighted to say that the new look is now live. I've aimed to create a look that reflects the fun and quirkiness of the paper models on the website. Hurry along and take a look! And if you have moment, let me know if you think I've succeeded!


Agreeable Sheep- come and get it!

A new model for you to download, print out and make. Turn the handle and the Agreeable Sheep nods her head in complete agreement with everything you say.

The Agreeable Sheep has moved from her old home on the Flying Pig website with a new color scheme and nice shiny new set of instructions. As always, the file is available on the website for members to download for free. I hope you enjoy it!

Agreeable Sheep



Odd Bot- come and get it!

The Odd Bot is a quick to build fun project that uses moire interference patterns to make the mouth appear to flicker. Lift the model up and down and the robo-lips quiver while the arms rise and fall! Members can download the file of parts at the bottom of the post. Enjoy!

Odd Bot


Cardboard Engineering Source Book

A 55 page eBook aimed at people who teach and people who want to learn! The book centres around ten extendable cardboard engineering projects which introduce many mechanisms, from simple cams to crank sliders and swash plate.

Visit the website to order or to download the free sample project!

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