The database at the heart of was playing up yesterday, the upshot of which was that I ended up winding the website back to the previous day's backup. This means that if you commented on the site on Saturday 7th July or entered the Flying Cow competition your comments and entries will have been lost. So sorry! Please could you comment/enter again? Thank you!

and with apologies for repeating myself here is the newsletter that only worked for about half the newsletter list.

Become a Member of

Support the site and get access to dozens and dozens and dozens of amazing downloadable projects. is made possible entirely by the support of members and shoppers. I literally couldn't run the site without you. Thank you!

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Magic Beans to Download and Make!

Magic jumping beans that jump weirdly down the slightest slope. Okay, not a brilliant desciption, check out the website to see a YouTube video of the beans in action.

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Trophy Moose to Download and Make.

A paper project to match with your trophy cow. Visit the site to download and print out this fun paper model.

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…and the Winners are.

The winners for the latest competition to win a T.Rex and Paper Robot are announced on the website. If you are a winner please get in touch with your postage details.. More info

There's a new competition on the site, this time to win the made up model of the Flying Cow.

Keeping up to date.

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Broughton Moor
t. 01900 814333