Flying Pig Special Offer : Last Few Days. was my first ever web-site. Registered in Dec 1997, it has been online almost twenty years! Since then it has been the home for paper animation kits of many and various designs.
Over the last couple of days I’ve updated the site for the umpteenth time, it now runs on a WordPress backbone making it easier to maintain and more flexible. It is now fully responsive meaning you can view it on any of your web devices from phone to computer.

As a special introduction to the new website I’m offering a 10% discount on all orders made before the end of May.

To claim the discount, enter the code FP10 into the coupon code box.
More details here.

Double Crank Mechanism to Download and Make

This double crank push-rod mechanism features a pair of push rods driven at 180° to each other. As one goes down, the other goes up. Use it as the starting point for your own character based automata or perhaps as an excercise in pure mechanism.

Members can download the parts for free at the link on the website, non-members can join in the fun for £2.50/$3.75

More details here.


Subscribe Now and Save!

Fantastic value at only $30 / £20 a year for access to all the downloadable projects on!

Hurry along to sign up below.

Become a member of now is made possible entirely by the support of members and shoppers. I literally couldn’t run the site without you.

Thank you!

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Broughton Moor
t. 01900 814333