It is a well known historical fact that the Vikings never had horns on their helmets. That said – they have become something of an icon so why not provide them as an optional extra! I’m working on a viking character, one that will be part of a paper animation as well as a static model that will be adaptable for your own character based models.

I’ve started with a free hand model using coloured card plus scissors and glue. I’ve put together a rough design for the head. Complete with horned helmet!

I’ve made the body in the same way – freehand with coloured card. I got to this point and realised it would probably make an interesting YouTube video. Like those those speeded up sketching videos but with cutting out and making. Maybe next time.

First draft after fitting the parts together.

Here are some details from different viewpoints.

Next step – The shirt needs to be more like a tunic. He needs boots rather than shoes and I think I might make his upper body slightly larger.