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*** Update! Two Extra Weeks! ****

Amazing Special Price of Only $30 / £20 a year!

Since I updated the site I have been offering this special price for membership.
From the 7̶t̶h̶ 21st November, next Monday- I’ll be putting the price back up to $45/£30 with a 5% discount for recurring subscriptions. Hurry along to sign up with the current low price.

If you are already a member – thank you! Your membership price will not change now or in the future.

Become a member of now! is made possible entirely by the support of members and shoppers. I literally couldn’t run the site without you. Thank you!

(I’ve extended this offer by two weeks due to popular demand (and while I finish the latest round of website updates)- thanks for all your interest! Don’t forget if you sign up for a repeating subscription at this rate your subscription price will not change)
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