I've been doing page layouts and numbering for the Dog Ate My Homework model. I'll be adding colour tomorrow and working on the instructions.
Meanwhile, I've been doing a some more bits and pieces on the website. I've been adding more items to the download shop. They are all in a database and displayed on one giant grid. the more items I add, the more unwieldy the grid, so, as a way of displaying the downloads you are interested in I've added (taa daa!) a tag cloud.
Each item is tagged with a variety of key words as I add it to the shop. For example the Reindeer Ride model has the product tags free, christmas, crank slider, automata and animation. All the tags for all the models are displayed in the tag cloud. If you want to find all the models that use, for example, a crank slider, click on the appropriate word in the tag cloud. The clever bit is that the sizes of the word shows how many items contain that tag. The bigger the word, the more items. And it was so easy to implement! Download and install the Drupal module Tagadelic. Specify which tag group to display – in this case, product tags. Add the display block to the wesbite.That's it! Sometimes, though not always, Drupal just works,