newsletter (The new one!)

15th December 2009

Equatorial Sundial
A new model to download, print out and make. The equatorial sundial is one of the most advanced and elegant types of sundial. By lining up the gnomon (the piece that casts the shadow) with the axis of spin of the earth it can be suprisingly accurate!

This model is exclusive to subscribers, what more excuse do you need to subscribe?

Discount for Subscribers

Still looking for an excuse to subscribe? As a subscriber, you already get free access to all sorts of exclusive models including the sundial shown above. You can also download all the new models that are released for the duration of your subscription absolutely free.

Now, as a subscriber, you also have access to the entire back catalogue of downloadable models for a massive 50% discount! Time to subscribe!

As if that wasn’t enough to tempt you, I’ll just point out that subscriptions are on special offer until the end of the

year. Subscribe for a full year for only £9.95. (Normal price, £14.95 for 12 months or £4.95 for 3 months) Blimey!

New Newsletter(This one is the new one)

As a newsletter reader, you’ll have noticed that I’m slowly but surely moving everything to the website. Next, the newsletter.

If you wish to carry on receiving this newsletter, please can you visit the wesbite and sign up in the newsletter box. You’ll receive a confirmation email with a link in it that you’ll need to click. I’ll be running both newsletters together for a while.

I suggest that once you have safely received this newsletter, you unsubscribe from the old one .

Thank you for your continued interest!