Disagreeable Sheep, Win the Original.
There is a new competition on the website. Your chance to win the original Disagreeable Sheep model. The competition is open to all paid members (both standard and membership plus) To enter, simply write a comment in the blog post or send me an email by the end of August.
The Disagreeable Sheep is a curmudgeonly companion for the Agreeable Sheep. Turn the handle and the disagreeable sheep shakes her head vigorously. The Disagreeable Sheep is free to members and available for only £2.50 for non-members. The Agreeable Sheep is free for everybody!
New YouTube Videos
There are two new YouTube video at the website for your viewing pleasure. One featuring the Turning Turtle project and the other showing the Disagreeable Sheep in action.
See the at the website
on my YouTube Channel
Limited Edition Crank Zine! Only Four Left!
I have ten four copies of the limited edition Crank Zine left, each of which I have signed and numbered. I'll be delighted to send them out post free to anyone who send a donation of at least £3ukp / $5usd
You can download, print out and make your own Crank Zine at the website.
Crank Zine Sleeves
Keep your Crank Zine pristine with this print out and make sleeve.
If you are a member you can download, print out and make your own Crank Zine Sleeve for free at the website.
Become a Member of robives.com.
robives.com is made possible entirely by the support of members and shoppers. I literally couldn't run the site without you. Thank you!
Support the site and get access to dozens and dozens and dozens of amazing downloadable projects become a member now.
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Broughton Moor
t. 01900 814333