Index Mechanism. Download and Make!

An indexing mechanism or intermittent drive is a mechanism that turns a wheel or shaft a small amount then stops for a set amount of time the turns again repeating this process over and over as the drive handle is turned.

This paper indexer has a twenty four tooth drive wheel. It takes twenty four full turns of the handle for the geared wheel to make one full turn. Download and make this model to find out first hand just how an indexer works. Use it as an exercise in pure mechanism or as the starting point for your own designs.

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Cardboard Engineering Source Book.

“a huge boost to mechanisms work in schools”

Times Educational Supplement.


A photocopiable book aimed at people who teach and people who want to learn!

The book centres around ten extendable cardboard engineering projects which introduce many mechanisms, from simple cams to crank sliders and swash plate.

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