

M.C Escher was a Dutch artist who specialised in producing mathemetically inspired wood cuts. Many of his pictures features intricate tesselations of creatures perfectly locked together. The reptiles in this post, (Rep-tiles! Geddit!?) are copied closely from one of his pictures. You can download the template from the link if you would like to try them out yourself.

Try printing the multi-tile sheet onto three different colours of card and cutting them out.

They should fit together nicely but with thin card it works best if you flip the tiles over and tape the tiles together on the back.

Tiles work best with a thick, inflexible material. Laser cut plywood or acrylic sheet are perfect. I set the internal lines on the design to be a much lower power than the cut lines so that they didn’t cut right the way through.

A variety of ply wood and acylic tiles make for an interesting arrangement.