
Laser Flower!

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Laser cut dancing flower project! Download the parts at the link to make on your own laser cutter. The parts are available as both pdf and dxf format. Members can download the files for free, thanks for your support! Non-members can join in the fun for £3 or equivalent

Once you have cut out your parts from 3mm laser ply they can be painted to good effect using acrylic paints. The model actually holds together well without the use of glue but to make a more durable model the judicious use of small amounts of pva glue can help.

Slot the four sides of the pot together and fit them into the box top.

Fit the pot lid into place.

Fit the two leaf parts together and add the two flower parts.

Drop the plant down through the hole in the pot.

Fit the other half of the stem into place.

Fit the swash disk.

Thread the cams onto the cam shaft and secure them into position with the wedges.

Fit the ends onto the cam shaft.

Slot together the sides.

Fit the second side with the cam in position.

Fit the box front.

Finish off the project by adding the handle and fitting the top into place. Turn the handle to make the flower dance!