
Giraffe Crate – Making the Lid in PhotoShop
I'm finishing off the art work for the Giraffe model.

Giraffe Crate in PhotoShop. 1st Draft
More experiments with mixing PhotoShop and Illustrator… …this time to

Giraffe skin texture in PhotoShop
A bit of PhotoShop work today. As part of the giraffe model

Giraffe Layout Complete
I've completed the parts layout for the forthcoming Giraffe model.

Progress report on the Pneumatic Giraffe
I've been working on the Pneumatic Giraffe model today. The

Mushroom Model – colour and form
Just printed out the parts sheets for an upcoming pneumatic

Mixing Illustrator and Photoshop with the BeltBot
I use Adobe illustrator for designing my models, it if

Pneumatic Mushrooms – Obviously.
You'll have noticed, I'm sure, the picture of the notebook